How to Taper off Dopamine Agonists for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

@andyberkowskimd of ReLACS Health summarizes the process for tapering off dopamine agonist medications for patients and their healthcare providers. Dopamine agonist medications--three of which are FDA approved for the treatment of restless legs syndrome (RLS)--have been shown over the past two decades to worsen the condition gradually, a process called augmentation. Augmentation is at least partially reversible by completely tapering off the medication. However, due to a strong chemical dependence of the brain's dopamine system that develops with long-term use of these drugs, the process is very challenging and must be done under the guidance of an experienced physician or advanced practitioner.

For additional information on why dopamine agonists are bad for RLS, read this blog post:

These videos are for general medical information only, but for those who live in or near Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, or Florida, you can hire @andyberkowskimd of ReLACS Health as your personal physician to help you taper off dopamine agonists and get symptoms of RLS under control. This may require more personalization, time, and expertise than a typical sleep clinic can provide. Schedule your consultation now.


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