About the Clinic
ReLACS Health is a direct specialty care sleep clinic dedicated to the management of the most complex sleep conditions. We are considered out-of-network for insurance. By eliminating much of the interference from insurance companies and hospital administration, ReLACS Health liberates you from restricted access to your doctor. We will provide a strong doctor-patient relationship under the guidance of cura personalis, or care of the whole individual. Rather than focusing on generating revenue from insurance by performing sleep studies, we focus on spending time on the details, addressing sleep health, and using an evidenced-based, comprehensive approach to improvement and optimization.
As part of the direct care model, you can enjoy more accessible and flexible scheduling along with the added convenience of visits done exclusively through a telemedicine/video platform to avoid transportation time and costs (though some will certainly miss the joys of finding parking and reading those magazines in the waiting room!). Ongoing members can choose their preferred modality (secure text/SMS, phone, secure portal messaging) to communicate directly with Dr. Berkowski usually with same or next business day response time or off-hours for more urgent questions and needs.
You may currently be seen for consultation if you can attest to being in the state of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, or Ohio (no Wolverine or Buckeye medical bias here) at the time of the video visit, though additional states may be added in the future. Individuals new to ReLACS Health may schedule an initial comprehensive consultation or an informational meet n’ greet with Dr. Berkowski if you’re not sure. A complete assessment and treatment plan will be discussed with you and sent to your doctor(s). Based on the consultation, you may elect a long-term monthly membership depending on the condition and status (see pricing for details). Some of you may not choose membership but may later be seen for follow-up consultations at your discretion.
Members can maintain ongoing communication with ReLACS Health including the scheduling of visits as needed, obtaining device or medication prescriptions, and all aspects of clinical management. Affordably-priced home sleep apnea testing is available to members at a discount as well as to non-members without consultation if ordered by a licensed clinician. ReLACS Health does not offer in-lab sleep studies (polysomnography/PSG) or iron infusions, but we will guide you and help coordinate any testing or procedures that are needed to improve your health.